"But to you who are listening I say, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."
Luke 6:27-28
Jesus didn't try to fit in.
He disagreed with leaders who said "law only" instead of "love." He sometimes acted like a servant. He sometimes hung out with the wrong people. He sometimes said stuff that went against their law. And He even volunteered to take a punishment He didn't deserve - DEATH.
Normal? I think not. Jesus was different.
Sometimes we try so hard to fit in. We wear certain clothing, say certain things, we even do stuff because everyone else is doing it. I believe this is true for both the young and the old! All we really want is to feel accepted and maybe even loved.
Jesus challenges His followers to be different by believing bigger, serving the undeserving, forgiving enemies and loving extravagantly. You see, Jesus loves people no matter what. Jesus welcomes outcasts and ALWAYS forgives.
Jesus is calling YOU to be different. To jump out of line. To light flares in the dark. To somersault past "please walk" signs. To wear neon on a planet of gray.
It's comfortable to fit in, but what if you were never meant to fit in What if you were meant to stand out in incredible ways? In a world where the crowd nudges you toward "normal," what if you were meant to be DIFFERENT?
Beautiful, mommy :)