Saturday, November 19, 2011

4 Skin Care Mistakes You DON'T Want to Make!

1. Forgetting about your neck:

Most people think of the face when you mention anti-aging products, but neglecting your neck is a sure-fire way to show your age before you're ready. The fragile skin on your neck and décolletage has different needs from the skin of your face, and if not protected and nourished appropriately can lose hydration and look flabby. 

2. Not Eating Correctly:

In addition to topical creams and serums, the optimum anti-aging skin care regimen includes nourishing the skin from within. Many dermatologists recommend a diet high in Vitmims A, E, and C as well as Fish Oils and other antioxidants. Unfortunately most of us do not eat exactly right 100% of the time. Try a daily multi-vitamin supplement that provides super balanced internal nutrition if your diet isn't perfect.

3. Skimping on the Sunscreen:

You've heard it many times before: no single product can do more to prevent the signs of aging than sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. The truth is most of us do not apply enough as often as we should. Experts recommend applying about 1 ounce of sunscreen —enough to fill a shot glass— 15 to 30 minutes before heading out. Reapply sunscreen  every 2 hours and after sweating or swimming. An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure when it comes  to sunscreens. If you are outside even briefly use a broad-spectrum, moisturizing sunscreen.

4. Ignoring Your Hands:

Next to your face, your hands are probably the most visible parts of your body and will show the earliest signs of aging. They're always in contact with the elements, household chemicals and extreme temperatures causing sun damage, dryness, chapped skin and age spots. Despite this our hands are often left off the list when it comes to anti-aging skin care needs. To soften and protect your hands try use a well balanced moisturizer.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Are You Successful ?
How God Measures Success

What is success? Most people define success in terms of  achieving  goals, acquiring wealth, and having prestige, favor, status, and  power.  "Successful" people enjoy the "good life" - being financially  secure,  emotionally secure, being surrounded by admirers, and enjoying the  fruits of their labor. Their example is emulated and their  accomplishments are noticed. Most people's definitions of success only  deal with the "here and now" of this life. Even in many churches today  the definition of success is in terms of numbers, size, dollars and prestige.    
But success is measured and defined differently by God. God's measure of success involves our obedience and faithfulness to Him, regardless of opposition and personal cost. His measure of success is whether or not we are being loyal to Him in our personal relationship with Him and in our life, and whether we are accomplishing His goals & purposes for our life. Some examples in the Bible:
Jeremiah was an absolute failure when judged by people's definition of success. For 40 years he served as God's spokesman, but when he spoke no one listened and responded. He was rejected by his neighbors, his family, the priests and prophets, friends, his audiences, and the kings. He was poor and underwent severe deprivation to deliver God's messages. He was thrown into prison and into a cistern. But in God's eyes he was a success. He faithfully and courageously proclaimed God's word and His messages, and he was obedient to his calling.

  Jesus was also a failure, if you measure his life here on earth by people's  measure of success. He had little in material possessions, and did not  even own a home. He was rejected by most people, and was even hated  by some. The religious leaders of the time despised him. Even his friends  and those closest to him deserted him. He was accused and found guilty  of things he did not do. He was beaten, spit on, cursed, mocked, and he  suffered terribly and died the most horrible kind of death known to man at  that time, death on the cross. Measure him by the way most of us  measure success, and he was a failure. But in God's eyes, the redemption and salvation of all of mankind was accomplished through His son Jesus. By God's grace and great love for you and I, He sent Jesus to pay for our sins, and now the gift of a restored personal relationship with God and eternal life can be ours - all because of Jesus Christ.

Friday, September 16, 2011

10 Everyday Beauty Tips

Simple, easy, inexpensive. What more could you ask for?

1. Vibrant visage: Smooth on a tinted moisturizer. It acts like foundation, giving you a polished look, and protects your skin from the sun at the same time. Look for one with SPF 15 or higher. And don’t forget to thoroughly clean your face at the end of the day.

2. Bright eyes: Feeling tired? Brush on two coats of curl-enhancing mascara. Long, curled lashes open up eyes and help you look awake in seconds.

3. Chic cheeks: A light wash of color will make you look fresh-faced all day. Use your fingers to swirl creamy blush directly on the apples of your cheeks. Or try a bronzing blush for a sun-kissed look.

4. Glossy lips: Keep a tube of tinted lip gloss in your purse. It's a no-fuss alternative to lipstick and looks good even when it fades.  

5. Luscious locks: For sleek hair, use a smoothing cream to get rid of frizz. Look for a product that goes on both wet and dry hair, so you can use it after the shower and for daytime touch-ups. With curly locks, scrunch a curl-enhancing mousse into wet hair for defined curls that don't need to be blow-dried.
6. Modern mane: Upgrade your ponytail to a braided bun. Loosely braid hair and twist it into a low chignon at the nape of the neck. Secure with bobby pins.

7. Decorated do: Ditch the scrunchies and try a wide headband or a scarf to decorate your do instead.

8. Spa shower: Use a moisture-rich body wash. Also look for products with aloe and vitamin E, which will hydrate your skin. Or opt for an invigorating scent — for example, citrus — to boost your energy.

9. Healthy hands: No time for a manicure? Help prevent chapped hands and ragged cuticles with a nongreasy hand lotion. Carry a travel-size bottle in your purse and apply throughout the day.

10. All-day fresh: Feel fresh and confident all day with an antiperspirant that keeps you cool and dry. Try an anti-perspirant that goes on clear. It goes on smooth and alleviates white marks on your good clothes.

You don't need to spend the money on spa treatments when the local Mary Kay consultant, or the local drugstore, has everything you need! :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fruit of the Spirit - Part 5. Patience

1. Good will; benevolence; that temper or disposition which delights in contributing to the happiness of others, which is exercised cheerfully in gratifying their wishes, supplying their wants or alleviating their distresses; benignity of nature. Kindness ever accompanies love.
2. Act of good will; beneficence; any act of benevolence which promotes the happiness or welfare of others. Charity, hospitality, attentions to the wants of others, &c., are deemed acts of kindness, or kindnesses. Acts.28.
Some people have mastered the art of kindness. I remember traveling to my Grandmother's house in Chicago and upon arrival, she took us kids to the kitchen where she promptly made us strawberry milk; a delight that wasn't enjoyed at home! She showered us with delicious meals and sent us home with loads of food for the long road ahead.  It was not only to her family that she shows this kindness. She was acknowledged everywhere as a wonderful hostess and woman of God.

When thinking of kindness, I also recall the story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible. In the parable told by Jesus in Luke 10,  a Jewish traveler is severely beaten by bandits. A priest and temple assistant both passed by the man and did nothing. Finally, a Samaritan man came to him, bandaged the wounds and arranged for rest and recovery at a local inn. Jesus tells us that the Samaritan man was a neighbor to the Jewish man and to be the ones to show others mercy.

There is great significance in the story of the Good Samaritan. We are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves. In the time Jesus told his story, religious leaders were so wrapped up in "The Law" that they had set aside their compassion for others. Jesus reminded us that compassion and mercy are valuable traits. Samaritans at the time were not liked, and often mistreated, by Jews. The Good Samaritan showed a great deal of kindness for the Jew by being willing to put revenge or contempt aside to help a hurting man.

Kindness is a fruit we can build on, and a fruit that takes a lot of work. We can easily get caught up in the hassles and demands of everyday life, that we forget how to be kind to one another. We are born selfish. Even in our earliest days, we begged to be served and provided for. We love kindness when it is bestowed upon us, but how quickly do we return that favor or pay it forward?

Hebrews 7:7 - "And without question, the person who has the power to give a blessing is greater than the one who is blessed."

Fruit of the Spirit - Part 5. Patience

Romans 8:25 - "But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently." 

The Jews in Exodus 32:
"The Hebrews were finally free from Egypt, and they were sitting at the foot of Mount Sinai waiting for Moses to come back down from the mountain. Several of the people became restless and went to Aaron requesting that some gods be created for them to follow. So Aaron took their gold and created a sculpture of a calf. The people began to celebrate in "pagan revelry." The celebration angered the Lord, who told Moses that He was going to destroy the people. Moses prayed for their safety, and the Lord allowed the people to live. Yet, Moses was so angry with their impatience that he ordered that those not on the Lord's side be killed. The Lord then sent a "great plague upon the people because they had worshiped the calf Aaron had made." 

WOW! I'm thinking the next time I'm impatient, I'll wait upon the Lord!


Patience is one of the most difficult fruits of the Spirit to possess. While there are differing degrees of patience in different people, it is a virtue most people wish they possessed in greater amounts. Most of us want things "right now." We live in a society that promotes instant gratification. Yet, there is something to the saying, "great things come to those who wait."
The wait on things can be frustrating. After all, you want that promotion right now. Or you want that new car right now on credit instead of waiting to have cash in hand. Advertising tells us that the "now" matters. Yet, the Bible tells us that God has His own timing. We need to wait on that timing or sometimes our blessings get lost.
Eventually the impatience of those Jews cost them their chance to enter the Promised Land. 40 years went by before their descendants were finally given the land. Sometimes God's timing is the most important, because he has other blessings to bestow. We cannot know all of His ways, so it is important to have trust in the delay. Eventually what will come your way will be better than you ever thought it could be, because it will come with God's blessings.

Fruit of the Spirit - Peace

Peace... what do we really know about it? How do we define it?

We must learn to maintain peace in three important relationships: with God, with our fellow man and with ourselves. We maintain peace with God by believing and trusting in Him. We maintain peace with our fellow man by not allowing strife to be a part of our relationships with other people. We maintain peace with ourselves by refusing to live in guilt or condemnation thus recognizing that God is greater than all our sins.

This kind of peace doesn't come through drugs, alcohol, sex, wealth, or entertainment. It is a supernatural (not worldly) peach that is a gift of God. John 14:27 says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. "

The spiritual fruit of peace results from being justified by faith and loving God's law.  This is a peace that we can not fully understand with our limited human mind. But if we are relying on God's promises and His plan for our lives, we will have peace.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fruit of the Spirit - Part 3 - Joy

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”
Galatians 5:22-26

Do you want to be happy? Is there anyone you know who doesn't? I'm not sure there's a single person on earth who doesn't want to live joyfully! There are a few, however, who are so soured on life that it's virtually impossible for them to experience joy or happiness. They express this in their downcast, grumbling and sometimes even snarling, demeanor. I'm sure those who sincerely desire to possess joy is a huge contrast to those who don't express it.

How do you pursue happiness? What is the main source? For some, they seek their joy through entertainment or through the performer they just "love." Some glean it from athletic endeavors, hobbies, travel, fashion, home improvements, wealth, status, alcohol, food and/or drugs. These things may provide a sense of happiness for a time, but it's only a brief period of satisfaction. 
Distress, sorrow, despair and regret are all opposites of joy! Despair limits us like a ball and chain from growth and enjoyment of life because we become consumed with our circumstances. Regret is when we have lost control of our attitude and response. Distress cuts us off from relationships, learning, life experiences and God. Not adding joy in our life leads to depression that cuts us off from seeing hope and purpose and what life and eternity are all about!
James 1:2-5, tell us to, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."
Our joy comes from God. To be completely filled with joy, not for a period of time, but even during trials and tribulations, We are to glory in God and rejoice in our trials. If life was perfect all the time, wouldn't that get boring? How would we grow in knowledge if we knew every day was going to be without trial? 

The key is for us to look to Christ, not to our situation, and declare our circumstances as joy. We are to be content and satisfied, to face them, and then learn and grow from them. This does not mean to give up and do nothing; it means to refocus our energies into productivity and faith-not questions and bitterness. It is to have our convictions and fulfillment in Christ, not circumstances. So, when something difficult comes our way, we will have  great comfort that God is in control and will not allow us to carry more than we can tolerate. Our joy and purpose is in Christ and our relationship to Him! 

"...Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
Nehemiah 8:10

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Join my Thirty-One Team!

Now is the time to get Started!

You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to start to be great ~ Les Brown

Now is the time to get started! Our new Fall/Winter enrollment kit is available to anyone who joins Thirty-One.  After a long freeze, the doors have finally opened to anyone wanting to begin a new career, part-time job and/or earn some extra money. We are the fastest growing DS Company in America and are expecting 500% growth this year!  That is amazing.  Don’t wait – act now!  Below is a picture of the new kit!

Interested? Great – you’re hired!
It is simple as that!  Whether you are looking to pay off electric bills, work towards financial freedom, have some extra spending money or just get out of the house every now and then….then this is the job for you.
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$99 is all it takes to start your own business.  Such a minimal investment for such an amazing opportunity!  With that $99 you will get $250+ worth of product plus all the business supplies you will need for several parties.
You will also get your website and newsletter for free for your first 90 days!  Begin earning 25% commission from day 1.  You can also increase that percentage by paying forward this opportunity to other amazing women!
Let me help you find the success you want and deserve thru this incredible opportunity!
Contact me today to get your business going!!!
Email me or visit my Thirty-One Website for more information. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fruit of the Spirit - Part 2 - Love

I just love going to the beach! I love listening to the waves crash on the shore. I love watching the dolphins swimming and playing in the ocean.

Love is one of the most often used, misapplied and misunderstood words in the English language. Its usage is nearly limitless. People, myself included, say they love everything from peanut butter to pork rinds, fireworks to Ferraris, lilies to literature. The semantic range is so broad and flexible, it almost renders the word meaningless. For when a word is used to mean almost anything, it means almost nothing.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."
Galations 5:22

The "love" mentioned in this verse is "agape" love, but what exactly is agape love? Let me explain... agape love is different from other types of love. The essence of agape love is self-sacrifice. Unlike our English word "love," agape is not used in the Bible to refer to romantic or sexual love. Nor does it refer to close friendship or brotherly love, for which the Greek word philia is used. Agape love is unique and is distinguished by its nature and character. 

Agape is love which is of and from God, whose very nature is love itself. 1John 4:8, "God is love." God does not merely love; He is love itself! Everything God does flows from His love. God's love isn't the sappy, sentimental love we so often hear about. God loves because that is His nature and the expression of His being. He loves the unlovable and the unlovely (us!), not because we deserve to be loved, but because it is His nature to do so. God's love is displayed most clearly at the Cross, where Christ dies for the unworthy creatures who were "dead in their trespasses and sins" (Ephesian 2:1). Christ died for YOU and for ME. How many people would you die for just because you know he/she is a sinner? 

"but God commends His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us"
Romans 5:8

We are undeserving recipients of the love He lavishes. Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for those He loves.

In the same way, we are to love others sacrificially. Jesus gave the parable of the Good Samaritan as an example of sacrifice for the sake of others, even those who may care nothing at all for us, or even hate us, as the Jews did the Samaritans. Sacrificial love is not based on a feelings, but a determined act of the will, a joyful resolve to put the welfare of others above our own. 
This love doesn't come naturally to us humans. Because of our fallen nature, we are incapable of producing such a love. If we are to show agape love, it can only come from its true Source. When we become His children, that love stores itself in our hearts. 

"I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. As I have loved you, you should also love one another."
John 13:34

We are to love sacrificially. Not for gain, not to make ourselves look good, but because He loved us sacrificially, even to the point of death. 
Again, it is clear that only God can generate within us the kind of self-sacrificing love which is the proof that we are His children. 

"By this we have known the love of God, because He laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers."
1 John 3:16

Because of God's love toward us, we are now able to love one another. 

"There must be a stronger foundation than mere friendship or sexual attraction. Unconditional love, agape love, will not be swayed by time or circumstances. " 

John 3:16.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fruit of the Spirit - Part 1

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do....Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:16-26)

            When we accepted Christ into our hearts, we took up our crosses and "crucified" our ways, our desires, and our life to gain His Life. We put away our old ways and began a new walk with Jesus Christ; to be like him, to share the gospel with others and be a living testimony. 
            We can not do that by our selves. We have to choose to let Christ work in us. We can either choose to walk by the flesh (the natural, desires of the world, sin) or Walk in the Spirit. We can not walk in both, one or the other. To walk in the spirit is to follow Him. Submit to Him, Act how He does. We have to walk and do. Walk in love, Joy, peace, patience as He does. Now you may be thinking, “I already was joyful before I knew Jesus- I don’t need the Holy Spirit…” I would say to that, “it was not true joy then.” It was not perfect, complete, whole, everlasting Joy, if he was not living in you. Now if you still argue you were happier then before knowing Jesus, please tell me because I must be missing something…
            The devil tries to replace the true fruit of the Spirit and the characteristics of Jesus with false replicas of joy, of love and peace that make you feel at peace but 45 minutes later all hell is breaking loose again. The difference is that you are at peace. Peace in the heart, mind soul and body. So many people are out there just chasing and following little fish hooks that “promise” food, but hey, what else are they supposed to eat, if we “believers” are keeping our fruit to our selves. With this fruit, we give. With our new life, we shine.

“At one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:8-10)

Shine your light. The light He has given you.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Be Different

"But to you who are listening I say, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." 
Luke 6:27-28

Jesus didn't try to fit in.

He disagreed with leaders who said "law only" instead of "love." He sometimes acted like a servant. He sometimes hung out with the wrong people. He sometimes said stuff that went against their law. And He even volunteered to take a punishment He didn't deserve - DEATH. 

Normal? I think not. Jesus was different.

Sometimes we try so hard to fit in. We wear certain clothing, say certain things, we even do stuff because everyone else is doing it. I believe this is true for both the young and the old! All we really want is to feel accepted and maybe even loved.

Jesus challenges His followers to be different by believing bigger, serving the undeserving, forgiving enemies and loving extravagantly. You see, Jesus loves people no matter what. Jesus welcomes outcasts and ALWAYS forgives. 

Jesus is calling YOU to be different. To jump out of line. To light flares in the dark. To somersault past "please walk" signs. To wear neon on a planet of gray.

It's comfortable to fit in, but what if you were never meant to fit in What if you were meant to stand out in incredible ways? In a world where the crowd nudges you toward "normal," what if you were meant to be DIFFERENT?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Storm Stopper

How tough is it to trust Jesus to get you through difficult situations--times when you're afraid, times when you are stressed or bombarded with demands from co-workers, friends and family? Jesus is not afraid of our circumstances and we shouldn't be either.

Take for example, when Jesus calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus asks His disciples to go to the other side of the lake and on the way over, Jesus falls asleep. In the meantime, a terrible storm ensues the boat and the disciples are SCARED and with good reason! The disciples knew how dangerous the sea could be. Even today, the sea develops fierce storms with waves as high as 20 feet! They were expert fishermen, but their peril was real.

The disciples finally wake up Jesus to let Him know they were in great danger. Jesus immediately gets up and rebukes the storm. The waves and wind cease. The sea is calm.
The disciples are astonished, yet afraid all at the same, but their fear demonstrates a lack of faith. They had God in human form in their boat, yet their fear of impending disaster, overcame them.
Jesus cares for us and wants us to trust Him, even in hard times. He has a plan and He will make it come to pass no matter what. His plans can not be stopped.

When caught in the storms of life, it is easy to think that God has lost control and that we're at the mercy of the winds of fate. In reality, God is sovereign. He controls the history of the world as well as our personal destinies. Just as Jesus calmed the waves, He can calm whatever storms you may face. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Instant Gratification

We are a society of instant gratification. How true is that for you personally?

We want so badly to connect with someone; to share our most intimate secrets with, to go places with or to just hang out with.
But before we can make any relationships, friendship or otherwise, work, we must first begin with a personal relationship with Jesus. We can talk all day long about how we know who Jesus is and about praying and even going to church, but are we craving the same aspects of a relationship with Him as we do with a fellow human being?

Man is ALWAYS going to let you down. Even your bestest bud in the entire world, will eventually let you down. You'll get angry with one another, one wrong word will be uttered or perhaps a promised date will be cancelled and suddenly, you're both at odds with each other. Man WILL fail you.
God will not.
So, the question is, will we develop that intimate deep relationship with Him? Will we talk to Him like we would our closest girl/boyfriend and share our most detailed secrets with Him?
It may seem silly to talk to GOD about the little things in life, but you know, I started doing just that... talking about everything and anything and you know what? It feels SO good! He understands when nobody does and He'll fill that void; that discontent we all feel sometimes when man isn't doing the job. Once we're experiencing the closeness of Jesus, all our earthly relationships will grow and blossom
It just takes time. It's not going to happen overnight, the fulfillment isn't just going to go BOOM and happen! We need to build that relationship and before we realize it, that void has been filled. Believe me, I've felt the discontentment, but I choose to rely more on the love given to me freely from Jesus, than the temporary love given by man.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cold Season

It's that time of the year again for me. Mother Nature can not decide if she wants to hang on to winter for a few more months or usher in the freshness of spring. In the meantime, my sinuses are going haywire!
I normally don't get any kind of winter illnesses, but once the warmth of spring starts to creep in, I get the worst of all colds. I can't sleep, I can't breathe, I can't function like a human being.

So, here's the question of the hour... what do YOU do when you have a cold? Is there a home remedy you use, that works like a charm? Is there an over the counter medication that alleviates the sinus pain and makes it easy for you to breathe again? Tell me how you deal with colds - maybe I'll be able to avoid getting one next time around.

Until we meet again....                                            

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Wow! It's been a while since I've blogged. I'm having blog withdrawal!

Baggage; family baggage, emotional baggage, generational baggage, relational baggage... the list goes on.
My Bible study with Beth Moore this season is "Breaking Free." The premise of the study is to totally release yourself of the baggage that is holding you captive. The types listed above and many others, for that matter, are what keeps us from developing that deeper more intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior. How can we let go of the weight we've put upon ourselves.

Have you ever heard someone mention how children will pay for the sins of the parents? Did you realize that was part of the 10 Commandments? Exodus 20:5 says, "You shall not bow down to them (referring to any kind or type of idol) or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments." Generational baggage or bondage! Let me make some sense of this for you....

The Commandments represent an ancient boundary stone we are not free to move to fit our lifestyles. Once we move beyond that boundary, making up our own rules, we begin to see evidence of bondage, which in turn will develop into a well-trodden path for our children and their children to follow in. Life beyond this stone leads to bondage. Bondage leads to sin. Sin leads to more bondage. The cycle doesn't stop until someone has enough courage to move back to the ancient boundary stone God ordained.

Let's go back to the verse for a moment and camp out on the whole idol part. An idol (or god - notice the small "g"), is anything or anyone we worship or use as a replacement for God. Only Christ can set us free from this worship. All other gods can only enslave; therefore, enslaved parents teach their children how to live in bondage even with the best of intentions to do otherwise.
Take alcoholism for example, if a census were to be taken of the number of alcoholics in three generations of an alcoholic father's family, the head count would very likely be high. Why? Because alcoholism had been deposited in the family line. Alcoholism reared it's nasty head and an unfortunate number of children and grandchildren fell into the same type of bondage as the father. Sins of the parents and grandparents add up in the next generations.

So, how do we escape this generational bondage? COURAGE! Courage to believe we can be different. Some will try to excuse themselves by saying they can't help the way they are. After all, their mother or their father or their brother was that way. We need to take a stand and tell ourselves - WE ARE GOING TO CHANGE THE WAYS OF MY FAMILY!

We have to have the courage to be misunderstood by those we're closest to. Our family members who are still in bondage are going to think of us maybe as traitors or fanatics. They won't be able to understand our desire to return to that boundary stone, to change our ways, because they can't see beyond their own bondage. I totally understand being loyal to your family, but that loyalty will not save your family members! They have to see and understand our freedom (freedom is as contagious as bondage!) when we've stopped jumping down into the pit with them! All we've done, is create a family bubble and it needs to be popped!

We have to have the courage to deal a new way with old memories. Hang on to the good memories and extract those that hold us back from developing that intimacy with Christ.
In Beth's study, she quoted Eugene H. Peterson, Answering God, "Memory... is vigorously present tense, selecting out of the storehouse of the past, retrieving and arranging images and insights, and then hammering them together for use in the present moment."
You don't have to be held captive by your memories. Select the precious from the worthless and apply the precious to the present. Every time you draw something painful from your storehouse, draw something priceless from God's.

If you do your part for one generation, He'll do His for a thousand. Sounds like a pretty awesome deal to me! Is it worth being in the pit, being held captive and not being free, to continue down that well trodden path of your family? Break free! Your life has the capacity to affect every generation in your family line until Christ comes to take us home. Time is short. The blood's been shed. Isn't knowing that worth the sweat and tears of changing the path of future generations?

If you have questions about your walk with Christ or would like to experience the salvation God has freely given to each and every one of us, please email me. I'd love to walk you through the plan of salvation and have you spend eternity with me in heaven!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

My First Giveaway! Enter to win something FREE!

I have always been a huge fan of giveaways. I mean, who doesn't like FREE stuff? So, I thought I'd do one myself and give YOU the free stuff! 
I am going to give a FREE Zipper Pouch from Thirty-One gifts to one very lucky person. The pouch is pictured below and underneath the picture are the ways in which you can enter to win:

1. Subscribe to this blog via email (fill in the box on the left) and leave me a comment below to let me know you've subscribed. 

2. "Like" my Facebook Fan Page and leave me a comment on the page to let me know you've become a fan.

3. On my Facebook Fan Page, sign up to receive my Thirty-One eletter by clicking on the "Get In Touch" tab.

4. Follow me on Twitter and retweet this tweet (@kristieboyd is giving away a FREE Zipper Pouch from Thirty-One Gifts #giveaway) then leave me a comment below to let me know you've followed and tweeted. You can tweet once a day for additional entries (leave me a comment here each time you tweet).

5. Visit my YouTube Channel and leave me a comment under the "Join My Team" video.

There are 5 ways in which you can enter to win (plus more when you tweet each day!)

Winner will be drawn February 10th, 2011.

Good luck!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Owning a Home-Based Business

As some of you already know, I am very passionate about home-based businesses; Pampered Chef, Tastefully Simply, Inspiranza, Thirty-One, etc., etc. Being in charge of when you work and when you don't, is such a luxury. Unfortunately, I'm not sure most people fully understand the advantages of working from home.
Some stay-at-home moms and dads are looking for a way to make some extra cash without having to apply and accept a full-time job. Some folks who are currently working full-time, would like to do something on the side as a fun hobby and earn a commission at the same time.

I thought I would do a FAQ blog about some of my favorite home-based businesses. If you're reading this and you would like me to highlight YOUR business, I'd be happy to do so.

This particular blog will be answering some questions you might have about signing up with Thirty-One Gifts. Their mission:

Thirty-One is more than just a company. We are people who believe in encouraging, recognizing and rewarding others for who they are. Through God's strength, we've built a family of individuals who feel women deserve to treat themselves to something special. Our commitment is to provide women with a fulfilling, enjoyable and rewarding experience.


Q: How much does it cost to join?

A: Just $99 plus shipping and tax. You will receive your kit in about a week.

Q: What comes in the Thirty-One starter kit?

A: Currently you'll receive the following items: Large Utility Tote, Zipper Pouch, Picnic Thermal Tote, All-in-One Organizer, Little's Carry-All Caddy, Thermal Tote, Wristlet Wallet, About Town Blanket, Square Utility Tote, Scarf, Key Fob, Icon Coin Purse, Stationery Sample Set, Wristlet Key Fob, Fabric Swatches and the catalogs, order forms and other paperwork you need to get started - that's a $300+ value!   

(Kit contents are subject to change without notice.)

Q: What commission do you earn?

A: All consultants earn a 25% commission/discount from day 1 of joining. You have the potential to earn more (up to 34%) if you choose to build a team.

Q: Is there a bonus program for new consultants?

A: YES! Thirty-One Gifts has a 45-day Start Swell program for all new consultants, which gives you the opportunity to earn seven free products (valued at $300) and business credits in your first 45 days. 

Q: What commission do you earn on your downline if you build a team?

A: Thirty-One generously rewards those who choose to share this opportunity with others. In addition to your increased commission and overrides, you can also earn $1000-$7500 cash bonuses!

Q: Does the company provide a website for the consultants? If so, how much does it cost?

A: Yes. The website and e-newsletter are FREE your first 90 days of business. After your first 90 days, the website is $9.95/month and the e-newsletter is $2.95/month. These are both optional. If you do not want to continue with either, you simply contact Home Office to let them know.

Q: Do you keep your earnings upfront?

A: No. You submit all monies from shows, parties or sales to Thirty-One. The company issues commission checks twice a month, and offers free direct deposit.

Q: Are there any monthly quotas?

A: There are no monthly minimum quotas. There are quarterly quotas. An "active" consultant is a consultant who submits commissionable product sales of at least $200 in three (3) consecutive months. The $200 can be from a combination of personal purchases, retail orders, party orders, fundraiser orders, etc., and does not have to be from one individual $200 order.

Q: Does the company pay for the host program/specials?

A: Yes, Thirty-One pays for all of the host rewards and the customer and host specials each month. Host items are not commissionable.

Q: Is there any kind of training for consultants?

A: Yes! Thirty-One provides all consultants with a consultant-one website where you will find special announcements, updates, etc., as well as many tools and training documents. You will also find recorded calls and video trainings.

Q: How many Thirty-One consultants are there? Are there TOO many?

A: Thirty-One is a young company and they need more consultants! Thirty-One started in 2003 and has just recently been experiencing rapid growth (400% last year!). It's a great time to sign up and ride the wave of momentum.

Q: How much do business supplies cost?

A: Business supply costs are low, because Thirty-One wants you to keep your money in your pocket! Catalogs are 50 cents, order forms 8 cents, host and recruiting flyers are 20 cents and show invitations are $1.50 for a pack of 40. All in all, I spend less than $5 per show on paperwork and that includes freely giving my catalogs away!

(Paperwork prices are subject to change.)

Q: What are the shipping costs?

A: When a customer orders, and has their order shipped to the host, the shipping is 8% of the total order. If the customer chooses to have the order directly shipped to them, the shipping 8% of the total order, plus $4. The host can receive free shipping when her show total is $500 or more, otherwise, it is 8% of her total order. For all consultant supply orders and personal orders, the shipping is 8% of the total order plus $4.

Q: Does the company allow consultants to sell cash and carry items?

A: Yes this is allowed, but not required. And, to help with the cost of fairs, booths and trade shows, Thirty-One consultants can submit a form to the company to receive free catalogs. If the cost of the trade show is under $150, the consultant will receive a $25 gift certificate toward catalogs; if the cost of the show is over $150, the consultant will receive a $50 gift certificate toward catalogs. 

Q: Do consultants ever get to purchase products at a bigger discount than 25%?

A:  Consultants are given a 40% discount during special times of the year on specific products. The 25% discount can be taken in addition to monthly sale prices and specials.

Q: Does Thirty-One offer other incentives such as trips, cash bonus, cars, etc.?

A: YES! Thirty-One has a fantastic Dream Rewards program that allows consultants to earn trips, computers, cash, etc. In addition to the Dream Rewards program, throughout the year, consultants are given the ability to earn extra free products (including the new products each season), electronics and other merchandise. Plus, when you promote to Director, you can earn $1000-$7500 cash bonus as well!

Q: Do I have to carry a lot of inventory?

A: No. There is no requirement for inventory. You may decide that you want to have items on hand, but that's entirely up to you.

Q:  Can I only sell Thirty-One products at home shows?

A: No. In addition to home shows, you can have catalog shows, a Show-On-The-Go, online shows, fairs, trade shows, bazaars, fundraisers...the list is endless!

Q: What types of payments can I accept from customers?

A: Personal or business checks made payable to you or your hostess, cash or major credit cards. Thirty-One takes care of the credit card processing fees.

If you have further questions, please feel free to email me at:
Or visit my website:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year; New Routine

Happy 2011! 2010, all in all, was a pretty good year for me. I joined Thirty-One Gifts and the business has taken off like a rocket! If you're not familiar with Thirty-One, click the box to the left and browse the online catalog. I think you'll be impressed by the looks and quality of the products.

As for Mary Kay, as you begin a new year, why not adopt a new skin care routine? Clean out those drawers that contain products you never use. Check the expiration dates and throw out anything that is over a year old! Here are a few tips to begin a whole new you in 2011:

Throw Away Old Skin Care Products
Skin care products come with an expiration date and if you continue to use them well past that date, it will show on your face. You shouldn’t use skin careproducts that are past their shelf lives. This is because once the product is opened and exposed to air; your fingers and germs contaminate it and promote bacterial infestation (sounds a little gross, doesn't it?). Though skin care products contain added preservatives, it is not possible to preserve them beyond their expiration date. That’s why they are there.
Therefore, at the beginning of this year check the expiration dates of your skin care products and if they've expired Throw them away. Begin the New Year with a new stack of products! Shop Mary Kay and then email me your order. I'd be happy to provide you with FREE SHIPPING!
Wash Your Face At Least Twice a Day
During the course of the day, your skin accumulates dirt and debris from the environment and also excess oil residues find their place on the skin. This is especially true at night. Therefore, it is important to keep your skin.
This new year, resolve to wash your face with a good cleanser, such as TimeWise Cleanser from Mary Kay, twice a day-once in the morning and once at night. The morning wash will rid you of all the excess oil particles accumulated at night and the night wash will make sure that all the dirt particles and make-up residues are removed before you go to bed.
Adopt A Good Skin Care Regimen
If you are serious about your skin care, then you should have a skin care regimen. And the New Year might be the best time to adopt a new skin care regimen that caters to the specific needs and requirements of your skin. If you have no clue where to begin, email me and ask for a free, over-the-phone, consultation. You can start with a regular cleanser-toner-moisturizer regimen and move on to anti-aging skin care or acne skin care to match your needs.
Use Sunscreen Daily, Year-Round
Contrary to popular belief, sunscreens are supposed to be used throughout the year including even in winter and on cloudy days. This is because even though the sun may not be as harsh as in summer, your skin is still susceptible to the harmful UV radiations of the sun. Sunscreens shield the skin against these radiations and protect it from sun damage.
So, if you have been saving your sunscreen only for the sunny days, its time you made amends in the New Year. Make sure you wear it daily before your venture outdside.

Don’t Pop Your Pimples
You pop your pimples to get out the pus. But what you actually end up doing is pushing the bacteria deeper inside and thus aggravating the infection. This explains the subsequent inflammation that can leave behind scars.
No matter how hard it is, resist the temptation of popping your pimples. Instead use your fingers to apply a good anti-acne product there.
Taking good care of your skin is very important. It won't matter how you dress up your look with blush, shadow, mascara and/or lipstick, if your skin isn't in tip-top shape.  Your skin is the largest organ in your body - treat it with the utmost care!
Happy New Year!