Going back to the thought of working at home, I wanted to include a few pointers for you if/when you decide to jump in and start your own business.
First and most importantly, and I can't stress this enough, make sure what you're selling is something you believe in! If you don't like the product, how can you expect to sell it?
* Know your product(s) inside and out. If it's skin care, what are the benefits of using each individual product? If it's jewelry, what is the guarantee? What is the composition of the product?
* Is the product one that people will continue to need or is it a one-time buy? Will your customers max out on your product(s)? Will there be repeat business or is your product one that will be viable long-term?
* Are you joining to make money? This may seem like a silly question, but if you're signing on to receive a personal discount, that's fine. Just remember you won't be making money. If you want to earn extra income, it's going to take work. Customers aren't just going to fall into your lap once you sign the agreement. How will you find your customers?
* How does the product compare to similar ones offered by other companies within its category?
* Is the product viable to all ages, socio-economic statues and genders? Who are your buyers going to be? Is there a range of prices to offer your customers?
* Is the product one you can promote and/or advertise easily? Is your product easy to market? How will people know you're selling the product?
Working at home has SO many advantages, just make sure you know most of the in's and out's of how the company works, the products you'll be selling and the advantages to you and your customers. Love what you're selling!
First and most importantly, and I can't stress this enough, make sure what you're selling is something you believe in! If you don't like the product, how can you expect to sell it?
* Know your product(s) inside and out. If it's skin care, what are the benefits of using each individual product? If it's jewelry, what is the guarantee? What is the composition of the product?
* Is the product one that people will continue to need or is it a one-time buy? Will your customers max out on your product(s)? Will there be repeat business or is your product one that will be viable long-term?
* Are you joining to make money? This may seem like a silly question, but if you're signing on to receive a personal discount, that's fine. Just remember you won't be making money. If you want to earn extra income, it's going to take work. Customers aren't just going to fall into your lap once you sign the agreement. How will you find your customers?
* How does the product compare to similar ones offered by other companies within its category?
* Is the product viable to all ages, socio-economic statues and genders? Who are your buyers going to be? Is there a range of prices to offer your customers?
* Is the product one you can promote and/or advertise easily? Is your product easy to market? How will people know you're selling the product?
Working at home has SO many advantages, just make sure you know most of the in's and out's of how the company works, the products you'll be selling and the advantages to you and your customers. Love what you're selling!
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