Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year; New Routine

Happy 2011! 2010, all in all, was a pretty good year for me. I joined Thirty-One Gifts and the business has taken off like a rocket! If you're not familiar with Thirty-One, click the box to the left and browse the online catalog. I think you'll be impressed by the looks and quality of the products.

As for Mary Kay, as you begin a new year, why not adopt a new skin care routine? Clean out those drawers that contain products you never use. Check the expiration dates and throw out anything that is over a year old! Here are a few tips to begin a whole new you in 2011:

Throw Away Old Skin Care Products
Skin care products come with an expiration date and if you continue to use them well past that date, it will show on your face. You shouldn’t use skin careproducts that are past their shelf lives. This is because once the product is opened and exposed to air; your fingers and germs contaminate it and promote bacterial infestation (sounds a little gross, doesn't it?). Though skin care products contain added preservatives, it is not possible to preserve them beyond their expiration date. That’s why they are there.
Therefore, at the beginning of this year check the expiration dates of your skin care products and if they've expired Throw them away. Begin the New Year with a new stack of products! Shop Mary Kay and then email me your order. I'd be happy to provide you with FREE SHIPPING!
Wash Your Face At Least Twice a Day
During the course of the day, your skin accumulates dirt and debris from the environment and also excess oil residues find their place on the skin. This is especially true at night. Therefore, it is important to keep your skin.
This new year, resolve to wash your face with a good cleanser, such as TimeWise Cleanser from Mary Kay, twice a day-once in the morning and once at night. The morning wash will rid you of all the excess oil particles accumulated at night and the night wash will make sure that all the dirt particles and make-up residues are removed before you go to bed.
Adopt A Good Skin Care Regimen
If you are serious about your skin care, then you should have a skin care regimen. And the New Year might be the best time to adopt a new skin care regimen that caters to the specific needs and requirements of your skin. If you have no clue where to begin, email me and ask for a free, over-the-phone, consultation. You can start with a regular cleanser-toner-moisturizer regimen and move on to anti-aging skin care or acne skin care to match your needs.
Use Sunscreen Daily, Year-Round
Contrary to popular belief, sunscreens are supposed to be used throughout the year including even in winter and on cloudy days. This is because even though the sun may not be as harsh as in summer, your skin is still susceptible to the harmful UV radiations of the sun. Sunscreens shield the skin against these radiations and protect it from sun damage.
So, if you have been saving your sunscreen only for the sunny days, its time you made amends in the New Year. Make sure you wear it daily before your venture outdside.

Don’t Pop Your Pimples
You pop your pimples to get out the pus. But what you actually end up doing is pushing the bacteria deeper inside and thus aggravating the infection. This explains the subsequent inflammation that can leave behind scars.
No matter how hard it is, resist the temptation of popping your pimples. Instead use your fingers to apply a good anti-acne product there.
Taking good care of your skin is very important. It won't matter how you dress up your look with blush, shadow, mascara and/or lipstick, if your skin isn't in tip-top shape.  Your skin is the largest organ in your body - treat it with the utmost care!
Happy New Year!

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