Monday, November 29, 2010

You Are Beautiful

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a lesson that Clinton Faupel from spoke about to a group of middle and high schoolers. I hope what he spoke about, will speak to someone out there who feels they are less than beautiful. Allow me to share what "Faup" had to say:

How many times have you heard someone whisper, "Oh, she's probably anorexic" about someone who's looking thinner lately? Is it said in a compassionate tone? Or is it said with a roll of the eyes? Generally, most people are baffled at how a size 4 girls or a 180-pound guy could be so delusional as to think they're fat.
The truth is, an eating disorder victim deserves much more compassion. blogs, memoirs, and personal conversations reveal that at the core of it lies a debilitating self-loathing. Many people say they hated themselves so much, they didn't even feel they deserved to eat!

"Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror. Later we will see Him face to face. We don't know everything, but then we will just as God completely understands us."
1 Corinthians 13:12 

Many times, we can't see ourselves for what we really are. That's why we need supportive Believers in Christ around us to remind us of how attractive we are to Christ. He designed us as we are and loves us beyond comprehension!

Commit this to memory:

"...don't be afraid. I have rescued you. I have called you by name; now you belong to me."
Isaiah 43:1b

"Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the spiritual blessings that Christ has brought us from heaven! Before the world was created, God had Christ choose us to live with Him and to be His holy and innocent and loving people."
Ephesians 1:3-4

How do you see yourself through other people's eyes? Have you allowed other people's comments to shape your perception of you?

It's wrong to believe other people's perception of who THEY think you may or may not be. Believe, rather, that the Creator of the heavens thinks you are the most beautiful of all his creation!

If you have questions about faith or would like help establishing a relationship with Jesus Christ, I would be more than happy to help you! Feel free to email me or place a comment at the bottom of this post.

God Bless!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Choose Your Side

I had the pleasure of listening to Clinton Faupel this weekend at a youth retreat. He has this way of  making you look deep within yourself to find the things that hold you back from having a profound relationship with Christ.
I wanted to share a little bit of what he challenged us with. It comes from Matthew 25:31-34.

"When the Son of Man in His glory with all of His angels, He will sit on His royal throne. The people of all nations will be brought before Him and He will separate them, as shepherds separate their sheep from their goats. He will place the sheep on His right and the goats on His left. Then the King will say to those on His right, 'My Father has blessed you! Come and receive the kingdom that was prepared for you before the world was created.'"

Wisdom from a fable: Aesop once wrote a fable about a great war between the birds and the mammals. The bat wanted to appear to be on both sides so that he could benefit from everything each side controlled. When he was captured by the eagles and condors the bat claimed to be a bird, because he had wings and could fly. when he was captured by tigers and wolves, the bat claimed to be a mammal, because he had teeth and fur. In the end, however, his duplicity was uncovered, and he was hunted by both groups and killed. 

"You are deceitful and disloyal. So you will pay for your sin," Hosea 10:2

Pretty deep stuff there. We can try to claim we're part of both sides of the fence, but when it comes down to the end, we had better be certain and stand strong on only one side!
Who are we fooling when we try to play with both sides? There are so many people who play at being followers of Jesus. They attend church services fairly regularly, take part in activities at church, show up at Bible study every so often and even claim to pray for those who are suffering. They like the "image" of being "decent and good." At the same time, however, they'll dress immodestly, use off color language, listen to offensive music and watch sexually explicit movies. We just can't have it both ways! But, like the bat in Aesop's fable, they aren't fooling anyone.

Taking a stand: Joshua proclaimed, "My family and I are going to worship and obey the LORD!" (Joshua 24:15). The Bible tells us that the same spring cannot produce fresh water and saltwater. You have to make a total commitment or you've made no commitment at all.

Are you two-faced and deceitful? or are you a walking example of what it is to have a relationship with Jesus Christ? 

Make your choice and take your stand! 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to have great looking skin throughout the Holiday Season

It's that time of year again.... time for parties, family gatherings, company dinners and you want your skin to look fantastic through the entire season. Here are some helpful tips to keep your skin looking great for the holidays:

1. Resist Popping the Pimple: We've all done it, popped a pimple and later regretted it when we saw the red blotchy mark it left. Popping your pimple can make things worse, irritating the skin around it further than it already is. You're also spreading bacteria and even leaving a permanent scar. It's better to treat the whole area to prevent new spots. Have acne? Try Mary Kay Acne Treatment Gel.

2. Pucker-up Under the Mistletoe: Chapped lips are always a problem in the winter as your lips do not have hair follicles or oil glands to protect them like the rest of your skin. Try moisturizing your lips as part of your regular skin care routine. Carry a lip balm or use a lipstick, especially one with SPF protection. Remember, licking your lips only makes it worse!

3. Remember to Keep Smiling: As a child, do you remember your mother telling you to stop making that silly face or your face would freeze that way? It may not "freeze that way", but your face will conform to your most common expression. Want a permanent frown? Keep frowning. Want a younger, happy looking face? Keep that smile on your face!

4. Don't forget to Exercise: With busy schedules, exercise is sometimes put on the back burner, assuming it was there at all! Exercise helps relieve stress (a big factor in aging your skin) and increases the oxygen flow to your skin, promoting younger looking skin.

5. Don't Sweat It: Did you know that you can loose up to 2 liters of sweat in an hour?! There is also a difference between men and women; men actually sweat more than women and their sweat has a lower pH level. That's why there are different antiperspirants for men and women.

6. Throw Out Your Old Cosmetics: Take this time of year to review your cosmetics and gauge which ones really need to get tossed. Bacteria can grow on your cosmetics, a danger especially with the products you use around your eyes. A general guide to longevity of cosmetics is:
  • Mascara: Maximum of 3 to 4 months
  • One year for foundation, oil-based ones can last a few months longer. Remember to review your foundation with what's happening with your skin - maybe it's time for a change?
  • 2 years for lip sticks and liners is a general rule of thumb
  • Have you cleaned your make-up brushes and applicators? Clean them quarterly or give them the toss
7. Don't Get Sick - Wash Your Hands: Washing your hands often and correctly is an important tool to keep yourself and your family well over the season. Remember it's the rubbing action that gets rid of the germs, so rub 10-15 seconds using soap and warm water.

8. Quit Smoking before January 1st: What are you waiting for? Smoking ages your skin by encouraging more lines and yellowing of your skin. Smoking decreases the oxygen that goes to your skin, giving it a dull look. Quit today and start seeing the positive changes to your skin (and your health).

9. Tweak Your Tweezing: The best time to tweeze is right after you shower when your pores are open and your hairs are softened. Alternatively, try a warm cloth over your brows prior to tweezing.

10. Get Some Rest: It's important to make sure you are getting enough sleep during this busy time of year. sleep is when your body repairs itself. Your skin, hair and nails all show the signs of not enough sleep by becoming dull and dry, and your nails can become brittle.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, so you should be taking care of it year round!