Saturday, January 30, 2010

Social Media - Beneficial or Time Consumer?

Sorry about not posting yesterday. I was in the midst of trying to clean the house in preparation for a Silpada Jewelry party I was having. Great product, by the way. You should probably check it out.

I hear so much about social media these days. How it can improve your presence online, how it can be beneficial to you business wise, or for whatever reason. I'm beginning to wonder if it really does and if s, hoow long it'll take for those benefits to be real? Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm open to any information you can provide.

Did I mention that I was a Mary Kay consultant? Working from home is one concept that is most amazing! I can work in my PJ's (which I do often!), I don't have to worry about co-workers, I can take a long lunch, I make my own hours... you get the idea, right? For some, a home-based business is a hobby; something to do in addition to a 40 hour work week. Some turn a home business into a multi-million dollar job! Yes, there are millionaires in the Mary Kay world! It kind of baffles me to think about it, but then again, like any business, if you set your mind to it, you can do BIG things. I would like to do that with my Mary Kay business; make enough money to send Jen to Princeton, or pay off the student loans the twins have. That's my goal and I think it's an attainable one. It'll take lots of hard work and effort.  All I need now is the patience. In time, I'll realize whether the social media presence really is a good thing and is helpful. I'll also know that if I don't make the millions like some have, I've taught the basics of skincare and given great advice on applying color to enhance the Artist's canvas.

I'll leave you with this last thought:

“A good plan violently executed today is far and away better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” —Gen. George S. Patton

Until we meet again...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day Three

I really need to come up with some catchy titles for my posts, don't I? I'll work on that before my next one. 

In my spare time, I'm a substitute teacher and I rather enjoy it. I can play teacher without having to prepare lesson plans.... I wonder if I were to go back to school and get my teaching license, if I could find someone willing to prepare the lessons for each day, while I simply show up, teach and collect the paycheck? 
Back to my original point on subbing. I was called this morning at 5:30 a.m. to sub, which I wasn't able to do, nor was I able to fall back to sleep and further enjoy the warm comfort of my bed. My entire schedule for the day was interrupted. Yes, the lack of just an hour or two of sleep wrecks havoc on my day! 

Also, in my spare time, I volunteer with the youth group at our church. I think I spend more time with  people under the age of 18, then I do with adults! I keep telling myself that hanging out with middle and high school students will keep me young.... what do you think? 
Last night was my night to be with my middle school small group of 6th grade girls. We talked about rebels and rebelling. When asked to define the word rebel or to say what comes to mind when the word rebel is used, my girls came up with descriptions like a bad person, or a criminal, nothing good comes from rebelling. 
I, along with my girls, realized that we are rebels in a sense.  We rebel against the schemes of the world. Schemes that tell us that it's all about ME. That if there was a God, all He wants is for us to FEEL good, the only person I need to worry about is me. Those ideas sort of go along with what I wrote about yesterday. The world wants us to believe that we are the most important being; that I am in control of my life. That's true to a small degree. I've been given freewill, but God is ultimately in control, isn't He? That's a rhetorical question, because He is. There is a God and I'm here only because of Him. My first concern should be God, not myself. 
So, being a rebel can be a good thing!

It's very cold and windy here, today. I have errands to run, but a hot cup of cocoa and a blanket have called my name. I'm quite comfortable with staying inside. 

Until we meet again....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day Two

Catchy title for this blog, don't you think?

The morning was spent with Beth Moore; I do love that woman! If I ever meet her face to face, I won't be able to thank her enough for the time she spends studying the Word of God, so women like myself, can dig in, learn and be encouraged. If you haven't read any of her books or done any of her studies, I highly recommend you do!

The ladies and I, will be studying the book of Daniel over the next few months. I can already tell, after only the introduction, that this lesson is going to prove to be amazing! There are a couple of thoughts I gleaned from this morning's class, that I'd like to share with you.

Are we being indoctrinated by our culture? or are we being deliberate about living for God? Can I tell the difference in my life? Can anyone else? I have this inkling feeling that I'm being more indoctrinated than living. Have I adopted the mentality of "I am" or "me" instead of "others" and/or "God"?
Daniel resolved not to eat the royal food provided to him by King Nebuchadnezzar. No matter how delicious that chocolate pie looked, he didn't want any part of eating it!
Did you know, and this is something I didn't, that in Daniel's day, if you shared a meal with someone, you were committing to a friendship with that person?  Sharing a meal was of covenant significance, it wasn't just casually sitting down, eating, drinking, talking and then going on your merry way. By refusing to eat the royal food, Daniel was taking a stand saying, "Hey... I don't want to be friends with this king. I don't want anything to do with him. Therefore count me out for dinner."  He resolved not to be part of the world around him. He remained faithful to his God.

Am I relevant or have I become absorbed by the culture I live in?

Until we meet again.....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Well, I've officially created a blog. Wish me luck as I atttempt to introduce myself to you, keep you updated on family happenings and maybe even entertain you a bit.

About me.... I have been happily married for 20+ years. I, and my husband, have 3 beautiful, yes, BEAUTIFUL, daughters; two college sophomores and one high school junior.
We live in a country setting, surrounded by farmland and farms in general. On a breezy day, we are inundated with the lovely aroma of the neighboring hog farm. If you've never had the pleasure of delighting your senses with this smell, you're really missing out! Actually, I'm kidding. For those of you who know of this smell, you're thinking "yeah, right!" and for those of you who don't, it's best you keep it that way.

When I'm not working my part-time, part-time job (I can't work 6 hours a week and be called just part-time), I'm working my Mary Kay business. I've been a consultant for a little over a year now and I really am enjoying it!  My Director is awesome and my fellow Mary Kay sisters are encouraging! I hope, at some point, I'll be able to teach you about skin care and share some beauty tips that I've gleaned from my MK meetings.

I'm going to close this first entry into my blogging world. Until we meet again....